Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Extracts from:

the turquoise downspiral writer.



he kept repeating himself


( and he didn’t know )



To say a problem

Is problematic.




                                    Its grey and dark turquoise.


A dark and slanted story

I wrote about her –

Two jobs AND waiting on the kid -


She was ALL he had

But he didn’t write that part – 


Didn’t/couldn’t get that far. 


He was – after all,

Just – another - man

The man

That man


A sadly marooned man.


-   An Open eNDed

-  Freeway        cars slinking by as he pretended not to see her.


Just a second!

Where’re you’re headed?


It’s of paramount advantage

bÕn fídé  bonā fidē  breach

music was cast


like only production designers can.


We ALL contributed to the cover up

Down spiral story line


Mona Lisa got in

But millions died.


What are the chances

someone unpublished 


the art of legacy?

(Just BECAUSE I’m reading it????)


(Just making the words live again).


Go on

Keep telling yourself – 

Tell yourself THIS

Is the best part – 


You can’t kill someone with 

Words –

Can you?

You can set the world 


Or start a war – 


But there you go –

playing  O and X’s  

And your win?

It was always too late.


It’s too late to have the blues,


plus I’ve figured:

                  That’s why he always writes in pencil – 



                  It’s easier to erase people

                  He doesn’t like.


                  Do you mean CHARACTERS?


                  NO, I mean people.




If our luminous present is based on now

it’s my personal property


Into fractious phrases


            They’re making a movie of 

My life

(behind the wall)





Take it outside Eric - 

While others

(With noses in books

And sipping


Drink from the cup of unpleasant surprises - 




THE violin was so soft,

But dark


We wept together

In cardboard boxes 

I think.


                  I’m not sure

                  But again,

                  They were words

(Just words)

                  Without homes.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

vispro - seeking a DEFINITION and parameters in which to situate this form

All borders are open, the shadowlands are inhabited by any and every word and image. There are no structures, no rules, no places to gain a firm foothold. The author is inconsequential, artwork/writing is open to any and every interpretation (if anyone actually bothers at all), after all – only ‘The Great I’ matters. And it’s got boring. Few will stand by what they stand for alongside any sort of definition. Sadly, the word ‘definition’ has become outmoded, outdated and apparently limiting?  To produce and produce in any and every situation with any and every sort of means possible, without any foundation – well, that’s just the way it goes – it seems. What do you think?